Advocating for Veterans Access to the Outdoors Since 2012
Our Vision
To enable access to outdoor adjunct therapies for all Veterans in need.
Our Mission
Promote the benefits of outdoor adjunct therapy for Veterans by delivering research and advocacy, while driving access and proving efficacy, and perpetuating the well-being of our public lands.
Who We Are
Veterans’ Outdoor Advocacy Group is a 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organization that is founded on increasing our Veterans' well being by promoting the power of outdoor therapy as an adjunct treatment to traditional approaches around mental health. VOAG has emerged as a leader in the Veteran non-profit space through successful legislative efforts and the development of the VOAG Coalition. Our team has years of experience in leading outdoor therapy programming.
The Team
Founded by Veterans and backed by a diverse group of individuals who see the value in promoting the use of public lands as adjunct therapy for those who served.
Support the Cause
Want to help our cause? Your donation will be hard at work facilitating and promoting the use of adjunct outdoor therapy for those who served.
Accelerating Veterans Recovery Outdoors Act (H.R. 2435)
Learn more about H.R. 2435 and it’s inclusion in The Veterans’ COMPACT act, (H.R. 8247) which passed both the House and the Senate in the fall of 2020.
31 For 31
In 2022, VOAG and it’s Coalition will be taking 31 Vets into the outdoors over 31 weeks. Click below to nominate a Veteran or find out how to get involved.